Focus and procedure

Dear Reader,

My name is Hubertus (Hubi) and I am currently in my last semester at EBSL. My major will be in Finance and I went to Mexico and Buenos Aires for my SPA in 2009. My hobbies are Ski-racing, playing Polo and windsurfing.
In the following blog I want to stimulate your sense for the German / UK financial news by analysing upcoming issues in the financial world. My aim is to offer you structured and transparent articles that inform you critically about the situation. I will try to point out different angles and opinions of the sources which try to describe the situation or even manipulate the reader.
I hope you will enjoy reading about the newest financial issues.
Feel free to add, comment or to give me feed back.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Does Brown has to pay the bill already?

If May 6 may produce a break from the “tired choices” is still not clear but becoming more and more reasonable. Elections are always bringing hype to the media and the whole population of a country but last week’s first TV debate brought up some clashes in the media in Germany and the UK.

According to the German Spiegel, Nick Clegg, the “newcomer” in the scene made a big step towards a turn in the UK politics. The German News Magazine is quiet amused about the TV debate and quietly smiles about the performance of the three “handsome guys”.

The Times wrote about that “British politics have reached American era” and about a “historical day” before the show in the TV was actually shown. Just five years after the legendary Kennedy-Nixon-duel in the USA the “Brown Night” was there…..

Further the German Spiegel describes the 90min debate as boring and without any matrix. I agree with the Spiegel because I just wanted to see something special from three “brilliant” politicians of one of the most important European countries. Clegg “made the race” against the two other fighting superstars and now we have the dilemma…

In comparison the Financial Times made a much more objective approach. In my point of view the FT is not taking any direction actually what makes me feel a bit worried. The interview shows an objective description of the debate (link: David Cameron and Clegg the heroes, Gordon Brown losing power, I don’t know where this should lead to…..!?

In contrast, the UK Telegraph is presenting a much more “pro Clegg” article that demonstrates Cleggs input and his positive approach towards change and setting up something the country has not seen before. (The last few leaders did not promise anything like this, right? Good statement so..) The Telegraph is further quoting David Cameron who warned that a vote for the Liberal Democrats risks allowing Gordon Brown to “limp on” in power. The paper shows a very biased approach. Pro Cameron and Con Brown! What a surprise…

The Sun shows a video where Clegg is with students and speaking to them in a very personal way. I like The Suns summary and it’s pointing out of Cameron and Cleggs position. The video and the short article point out the most important issues during last week. Cameron takes in again the role of the “superstar” and the video shows him as the “deliverer” or even as the “redeemer”.

Focus, another German News magazine clearly favors the new and fresh approach of Clegg. The refreshing Cameron turned away from the old and dusty parties and offers something new to the UK resident. “We can do…” “Change”.. Didn´t we hear this words before..... from our American friend....!?

Finally the Spiegel brings it to the point by saying “Gordon…is that the beginning of the end?”

Different articles from Germany and the UK showed me impressive comments about the election 2010 in the UK. The show masters are not that spontaneous and professionals as the American idols but they all came to their statement during the TV battle.

Financial guidance and keeping the economy up is main objective during these stormy times. Brown is having his last chance of being brilliant otherwise the cards are going to be mixed again from Mai 6th.

The economy, financial development, rules and regulations, taxes, quotas and other financial regulators and mechanisms are directly influenced by the political circumstances.

In my opinion the crisis showed the ability of Mr Brown and his fellows. Now it’s time for the British people to react and to respond to the last period. Therefore we will see if Brown needs to pay the bill already…… Society will make its choice…


Der Spiegel:

Der unbekannte Dritte triumphiert,1518,689305,00.html,1518,689566,00.html

Financial Times:

Clegg rejects Tory election warning

The Telegraph


The Sun:

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